High school students, this one is for you! Eric Townsend, APRN and Owner of 5 Stone USA, will provide a Level I Self Protection Training Course (SPTC). 5 Stone USA is a professional training company developed by front line workers, such as medical providers, veterans, paramedics, special operations rescue, firefighters, nurses, etc. with a combined over 200 years of real world experience in complex environments. When it comes to self-protection, 5 Stone teaches a PRO-ACTIVE approach, arguing that "defense" can put you behind in the fight. The Level I SPTC will teach strategies of situational awareness, risks identification, body positioning and body language, risk reduction, verbal de-escalation, team protection, etc.

Course Details:

-Basic Self Protection/Risk Reduction Strategies

-Basics of Gun Defense

-Edged Weapons Protection
